Introducing a whole new way to make friends with other sat phone users! You can now use the search bar in the top left hand corner to search and add friends.
Step 1: Find Friends and Family Members
1A - To search for friends or family, type any name in the search bar in the top left corner.
1B - To see the member directory, click the search bar in the top left corner and click "See all members".
1C - To search within a state, enter the state name or abbreviation and all members with privacy settings open, will appear on the list.
Step 2: Add a Friend
To view a member's profile, click on their name. Depending on the member's preferred privacy settings, you may or may not be able to see their profile, location, and/or satellite phone.
To add a member as your friend, click "Add Friend" on the Member Directory page or on the member's profile page.
Step 3: Accept/Ignore Request
When you receive a friend request, you will be emailed the request and it will show at the top of your Home and Profile pages when you're logged in.
If you choose the Ignore tab, the request will disappear. When you Accept a friend request, your list of My Friends will show at the bottom of your home page under the My Feeds section.
Step 4: Change Your Privacy Settings
You can change your privacy settings by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the screen and then click "Manage Privacy".
The settings are automatically set to show your name and location, but not your sat phone number. To change your privacy settings, click the dropdown bar next to each question, choose either Public or Friend, then click "Update".
Step 5: Start looking for your friends and invite them to join you on Galileyo!
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