Step 1: Create your account
Go to and click on Sign up or Sign up today to create an account in Galileyo.
Enter your account details, answer a few questions, complete the captcha, then click on Sign up.
Step 2: Select your Membership type
Once you've signed up, you'll be taken to the Membership page. Select a membership type and payment frequency (monthly/yearly), then click Choose.
Step 3: Enter your billing information
On the billing page, enter your billing details, add credit/debit card number, a cell phone number (to receive automated emails if your account payment does not go through only). Click on Pay.
Step 4: Add additional satellite phone numbers*
*This step only applies to you if you signed up for an account with more than one satellite phone number. Otherwise, skip to Step 5.
Click on your name in the top right corner and and then click Manage Membership.
Click Add New Member to add additional sat phone numbers/members to your account.
A popup will open, then enter the name and email of the additional member and click Invite. When the recipient accepts the invitation, they'll have their own account and login.
Step 5: Ensure your satellite phone is ready to receive alerts
Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen to access your account settings.
Click Send Verify SMS on the left side of the screen, located next to your satellite phone number.
You'll receive a verification alert on your sat phone from Galileyo. Reply OK (optional).
Unless you have an antenna and docking station, to get the best reception on your sat phone you'll need to head outside and look for an area with an unobstructed view of at least 80% of sky, as tall building and trees can interfere with reception.
Step 6: Subscribe to your preferred feeds
Next, click Feeds on the top of the page, then click the circle next to each influencer or information feed you'd like to follow.
Step 7: Receive Alerts!
You'll start receiving alerts from the feeds you've subscribed to on both your satellite phone and on your computer, phone, or tablet, at Simply login, go to the Home page, and view your alerts. You can change your feed subscriptions at any time.
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